
Crowborough Beacon Golf Club

Beacon Trophy & Salver - Round 1

Saturday 7th June
Crowborough, Tees - White (Men), Ladies - Red (Ladies)
H'cap Allowance: 95%

36 hole Scratch & Nett Competition

We are delighted to re-introduce the Beacon trophy, but this time it is open to all golfers under 6.4 handicap.  Men and Ladies will be playing alongside each other with the men vying for the Beacon Trophy and the Ladies playing for the Beacon Salver.

Open to: Men & Ladies.  Men play for the Beacon Trophy & Ladies for the Beacon Salver

Format: Individual Medal

Handicap: Max playing handicap 6.4

Tees: Play is off white and red tees

Start Sheet: This will be drawn in handicap order

Registration: Will be in the bar.

Breakfast: Coffee and Bacon Roll will be served on arrival in the Clubhouse and this is included within the price.

Lunch:  A rolling one-course lunch will be served following your round.

Changing rooms and toilets: Can be found on the ground floor for men and 1st floor for ladies.

Driving range:  Will be open however it is collect your own balls.  We do have 3 practice nets located near the first tee.

Upon completion of your rounds: Please hand your signed card back to registration

Prizegiving: This is expected to be around 5pm. There is no need to change for the prizegiving

Prizes:  Scratch & Nett 36 hole prizes for both men and ladies.

Miscellaneous:  Practice rounds charged at a discounted rate, booked via the office.  Start sheets will be sent directly to competitors

Entry Fee: £90 for visitors and £30 for members

Competition in Progress

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Competition Fees:
  • £30.00 Per Member (Required On Entry)
  • £90.00 Per Visitor (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 9
Max Entries: 60

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